What a ride the past month has been, eh? Tariff scare, extreme cold weather, lots of the white fluffy stuff, a lot of sickness going around…. the list goes on and on.
Thankfully we have been healthy and thriving. We focus on eating nutrient dense food, mindful exercise, cultivating a peaceful mind, and staying hopeful and joyful despite the chaos and uncertainty around us.
It saddens me to see businesses closing left and right. Small business owners especially have been put through the ringer these last few years. And just like rubber bands, they can wear out, get overstretched, and snap. Where are you in the rubber band journey? I hope nowhere near snapping.
Dr. Phil and I have been busy working on our joint venture. This reminds me to clarify a few things. To those who are still wondering, NO WE ARE NOT MOVING. I have been personally explaining it to many of you who asked in person about what we’re up to. Destiny (soul contract, whatever you call it) has brought us together to manifest our shared plant-based passion into reality. We are in the process of building this “lego” masterpiece block by block. You should see our list of things to do/acquire. Dr. Phil has spent over 100 hours learning everything there is to know about coffee, coffee beans, and coffee/espresso machines. I left this 100% in his hands as I know nothing about it. I asked him if he would be able to keep his sanity after we’re operational. He said yes, when things are running smoothly. I mean, I wanted to ask if he felt like changing his mind about diving into the food industry, you know, because it’s the least recommended business to get into (says business experts, due to very high failure rate)… but there is no turning back now… the company has been incorporated and we start paying rent soon. Social media accounts have been created, measurements have been taken, drawings are almost finished, and things are in motion.
…Which leads us into YOUR next question: WHERE are we going to be? Haha! Wouldn’t you like to know!
Do you remember the Oshawa Clinic that is no longer? Well, it has moved to the new building in Whitby, Hwy 412/Hwy 2 intersection. We will be at 198 Des Newman Boulevard in Whitby, right by the entrance, to the left of the main elevators. The New Whitby Health Centre opened in July 2024. It has welcomed hundreds of thousands of visitors since opening. It's a 154,000 square-foot, four-story medical facility that offers a wide range of healthcare services: urgent care, diagnostic imaging, sleep clinic, audiology, physiotherapy, fertility treatments, dental care, psychological support, TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), Medi-Spa, and more coming in the future. It is Canada's largest multi-specialty medical group practice. It houses >80 doctors and specialists and growing.
There… now you know. And I know what your next question will be: WHEN?
We’re aiming for May/June…there are lots to be done and training and all that fun stuff. We have to be absolutely ready before we welcome you all. We are here to make an impact on true health care: prevention and disease reversal.
Stay tuned as we keep you updated on our progress.
Stay healthy…make the small changes you need to make TODAY. This time next year, you could be in a completely different state of being.
We’ll be to the left of the main elevators
Seating area