Hello everyone,
Happy new year! My gosh, we’ve gotten through the first week of 2025 already! I know you think a year is a long time, but it really isn’t. There are only 52 weeks in a year! 52! And we only have 51 left (as of today).
So what will the end of 2025 look like for you? Crazy that I’m already 51 weeks ahead, right? But if you’re familiar with quantum jumping, this works just like it, but in physical reality. Visualize Dec 31, 2025. What does it look like in your life, relationships, business, etc.? THEN, you work backwards… week by week… to today, week 2. Working backwards helps to break down the steps you need to take (changes you need to make) to TODAY. Where should you start today? What first step do you need to take TODAY?
I’m currently working on a big project. I have my projected launch date and I’m working backwards to break down the steps I need to take today. It’s project management. Life management. It helps minimize anxiety from uncertainty and doubt.
Not gonna lie, I’m nervous and anxious. But I am also confident and certain that I am capable of overcoming whatever challenges are presented to me. This doesn’t come from arrogance. This is the result of years of overcoming adversities and falling down and getting back up, over and over again. You cannot become confident if you don’t dive in and make mistakes. Your confidence and belief in yourself come from learning how tough and resilient you are. And that is achieved through facing challenges head on. I don’t do ice baths or 75 hard… my daily life is ice baths and 75 hard. Day in and day out. I don’t need simulations. I live it. I’m not afraid of reality. I’m not afraid of doing the real work. I’m not afraid of hard work. I have mental toughness. I’m fired up! Ready to serve more people.
Do I doubt myself from time to time? Absolutely. Almost daily. Do I talk my ego out of giving up? Absolutely. Do I not want to get up at such an ungodly hour daily? Absolutely. But knowing why I’m doing what I do gets me out of bed. My purpose gets me up when I fall down. Money doesn’t make you happy. Material wealth doesn’t make you happy. Having a purpose does. Money is simply a tool to help you fulfill your dreams and visions. Money can help a lot of people, if you know how to control and manage it and not let it become your master.
I have a feeling that everything I have been working on these past few years (I have a few things in the pipeline) will all come out this year. I’m ready! I pray that I be given the strength, wisdom, resources, and passion to continue to serve.
May you be reminded why you chose to be here at this time. If you need reminders or want to learn more about yourself, I have a group past life regression coming up on Sunday, January 26th. Click HERE to register. I will guide you to explore 3 past lives. It’s less “scary” than a private session because we can’t go into too much details. I will ask your soul questions so you can obtain some key information about each life. Usually people recognize their patterns and vows made/declared after a particular life that is then applied to all the lives after (future lives). This is crucial for a deeper soul healing. Only when you understand your soul journey will you be able to break your patterns, fully heal, and move on.
The event is at 50% capacity as of today. Judging by how busy I will be in the coming months, I may not be able to offer another one until much later this year. I also have private sessions here and there, which I absolutely love because I get to learn so much about others’ past lives and learn from their experiences and the wisdom each soul brings.
One of the moments that changed my life completely happened during a past life regression. As I brought this soul to meet her guides and get some messages, the room was filled with Divine beings. They gave me a very important message. To step forward without fear because they surround me at all times. I am divinely guided and if I can feel and tap into their presence and guidance, being fearful seems silly. I have never felt such peace. I can’t even describe it. Divine! Heavenly…not earthly. So comforting. So blissful. It was like I was in another dimension. Almost like a near death experience from what I’ve read. My life was changed completely after that. I had this new boldness and courage.
And no, this message is not just for me. It’s also for all of you. YOU are divinely guided. Let go of the fear. Take that step forward and embrace your greatness. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.