The word BALANCE gets thrown around like it means nothing anymore. “You need to have more balance”.
What does it mean??? I’ve been in all kinds of life situations.
1. Working part time and going to high school
2. Working Mon-Fri and having weekends off
3. Working shifts and having 2 days off after 12 working days
4. Working 3 jobs and having occasional days off
5. Working part time and juggling university and college at the same time
6. Working for myself and working for someone else at the same time
7. Running multiple businesses and working 80-100 hours weekly
8. Working for myself all of the time HAHAHA- Start a business they say, so you can work your own hours.
9. Currently working on several businesses
I guess balance is whatever you can cope with that doesn’t drive you crazy. I look at things with pillars of health in mind. Nutrition, rest/sleep, emotional, spiritual, physical. I believe the most balanced person I know is my mother. She has everything so balanced and this is due to her discipline. She puts herself first because her cup needs to be full before she can serve from a place of goodness.
Every other person I have met has imbalances in one or more of their pillars of health at any given time. Whether it be nutrition and rest, or spiritual and physical, or emotional and rest, etc. Get to know yourself. Nobody should know you better than you knowing yourself and how you’re functioning.
For me, I’m always trying to optimize the rest/sleep pillar as my immune function depends on it so much. I have tested it out numerous times. When I get enough rest, I feel the most balanced because I don’t struggle with the other pillars. It’s my weakest link. What’s your weakest link? Do you take steps to strengthen it and improve on it?
And let’s face it. I’m not someone who can sit still and not do much. Even in my spare time, I’m always creating something. I just love doing whatever makes me happy. It’s an effort for me to sit and watch a movie. I love learning many things, new recipes, new techniques, etc. So for the time being, I’m loving my fast paced life. It’s exciting for me. I’m open to new ways of being and changes. And I will effortlessly flow into the next stage of my life when the time comes.
So cheers to YOUR definition of balance. Don’t let society dictate how you should be. Whatever is “normal” is simply whatever many people agree on. But you’re your own individual. You can set your own path and way of being. And let me tell you something. While you’re creating the life that you want, building your empire, climbing that ladder, getting that degree, etc., much effort is required. Don’t be afraid of the amount of work and hours you need to put in. Just make sure you incorporate some self care routine into your daily lives because if you’re sick or dead, nobody’s gonna work on your dreams.
Cheers to working towards your dreams. Don’t let anyone or anything stop you, especially not yourself.